I cannot believe I have actually done this.

9 11 2010


Yes, I have done it. The impossible. The thing that I thought that I would never be able to do because … because of some reason that I can’t think of right now.

I have written a poem.

YES, you read that right. A poem. On a blog. About Prince Caspian.

The Poem Which Is Dedicated To Prince Caspian [If He’s Around Reading This]

Most people like British accents,
And yes I like them too!
But have you heard those Telmarines,
WAIT! They don’t live in a zoo. -.-

Sure, they might all be evil,
But one of them is not,
His name is Prince Caspian,
And I do like him a lot.

He’s brave and noble
and all those things,
that a hero’s supposed to be,
Yes he’s one of those awesome ones who DOESN’T kill all the kings. [OH YEAH.]

He likes Queen Susan though,
I don’t see what’s that great,
She shoots, she’s fat and nothing else,
Prince Caspian, it’s not too late!

I’m sitting right here with this poem,
I’m imagining what it’d like to be,
for you to come galloping on a horse [DUH.]
Just to see me!

She’s 1300 years older,
doesn’t that come as a shock?
Don’t you think everyone else,
would be slightly prone to mock? [HAHAHA! Look at that hot guy with the female who’s 1300 years older than him! HAHAH!]

I think it far better,
and soon you’ll see I’m right.
to have someone 60 years younger [Like me]
it’s not much of a fright!

I’d only be a teensy bit afraid,
if you were like that Edward,
for that’s a liiiitle creepy,
I’m sure you might’ve heard.

See, I prefer Narnia,
to any kind of Forks,
I’m not a blonde, certainly not stupid,
I’m just a plain old dork. 8)

So, when you come over,
Which I’m very sure you will,
just PLEASE don’t mind my parents,
or else you might go ill.

It’s OBVIOUSLY not over. Its the kind of poem I would love to write for a LONG time. 🙂

So, I will. I’ll make this a page and whenever I come up with new stanzas, I’ll put it up. YAY.

I wrote a poem. I cannot believe this.


What is nyshhh? ‘CANNOT. COMPUTE. CANNOT COMPUTE. BLEIOIUAHDHF.’ The voice in my now-dead brain.

27 07 2010

Hola people!
Now this really got me thinking. I was randomly wallposting my really good friend, who also has a blog of her own and she as usual told me to come up with a random topic, at which I am very good. My last topic was noodles at which she didn’t reply. Now she will probably go there and search hugrily for that wallpost so that she can have a good laugh.

By the way, do you love making people laugh? Whether it’s at you or because of you or at your jokes? Do you really have fun doing that? Seeing them laugh because of me gives me an inexplicable joy. I really don’t know why I love maing people laugh. I’m a clown who likes wearing black and boots and look emo. Sue me.


Sorry, that was just a horoscope quiz I got in my mail and since I didn’t have a paper or a pencil, I decided to do it right here. I hoep you din’t mind reading some random words that mean a lot to me. Well, only some of them.

Now getting back to the topic at hand, What exactly are these fake, seemingly ‘cool’ words? Come to think of it, ‘Hottie’ or ‘Cuyie aren’t words either. Teenagers nowadays exhibit exorbitant amounts of ignorance and idiocy. Which is quite aggravating for me, you see.

Most people I know know very VERY well that I hate it if they mistake an ‘e’ for an ‘i’ in their spellings. It’s an acquired habit. Like ‘sleep’ is for Thomas Edison. What, you don’t know about him? Well, forget it, then.

WHY people continue to torture me with their priceless spellings, I cannot understand. WHAT HAVE I DONE TO YOU? It comes up on my *ahem* Facebook * cough* wall every. single. day. ‘hEeYYY!’


Sorry, i’m being a bit too mean, but I really don’t remember learning that in the 7th grade ENGLISH CLASS. I remember learning Saki. Who is awesome, by the way.

These eccentric ways of beginning and ending coversations is not growing on me ONE LITTLE BIT. My own friend puts an emoticon after EVERY SINGLE LINE. Example:

I was REALLY boored!-.-
So I thought I’d wallpost you!xD<3’

Can you say FUN?

*Knocks all the losers on the head*

Hey! You! Yeah, you! Who’s the stupid person next to you who can’t spell call?

Yeah, call = col.


I might just die, people, I might just DIE.

And if I do, can you please make alphabet soup for all the lonely misspellers?

Thanks. *sigh*

P.S. I’m sorry about all the underlining, IT JUST WON’T GO HOW MANY EVER TIMES I BANG IT ON THE WALL!

P.P.S. I’m sorry about being SO late in posting. My mom was almost eaten by a shark and my dad lives in Oklahoma and my sister needs graduation fees.

HAHA, just kidding!

My Attempt at Radio Jockery!

9 04 2010

Hola People!
Yes, it’s been QUITE a long time.
Annual Exams do that to you. I guess most of you know.
Most of the people reading this might be only after exams, because well, obviously they’re burying their noses in their books right about now. Or were.
But I wanted to do this anway.

Somehow I feel that if I write down my pathetic attempt at radio jockery ( My word, yes. Finally someone to ascend Shakespeare’s lonely and cold throne. Of making up words that is.)

*Listens to Two is better than One by Boys Like Girls* (OMG is that Taylor SWIFT?)

So now I have three tasks before me. It’s not exceptionally hard like the Triwizard Tournament of course, but ‘I’ want to do exceptionally well. Of course, preparing at about 7:20 hours before school and a science exam ISN’T the best plan ( as emphasized by my mother who just barged in) but I really WANT to prepare and become a Radio Jockey. In my school’s radio show of course. It’s a small job, it’s not really something to be downcast about, nothing to be jeered at for, not THAT good (Ok, well, YEAH IT IS!) and not THAT bad (This is true. I do NOT, under ANY circumstances want to be teased for this.), but it’s something I want to try. A challenge. Let’s TRY then :

Introduce a song: (Im introducing Fireflies by OWL CITY, obviously, since I love them (actually him. Its only one person) and if you don’t then you plainly don’t deserve my respect so you can go off RIGHT NOW. OWL CITY FTW!)

Good Morning I.H.S.! Hurrah for Reccess! And for Recces Radio! Finally the painful and tiresome first four periods of our school day are finally over and recces has finally come and we can finally have some fun! And complain about too much revision and studies and of course, EXAMS! To help all of us relax and soothe our jittery nerves, lets listen to a calming song by the unique

* Listens to a cool new song by Rihanna*

OWL CITY!, Fireflies, to give us all hope. Yes! We can pass!

*In shock, Eyes widen for a second before…* *Looks at the mirror at herself and starts laughing in shock!*





hard…….stay awaaake…..


…soothe our jittery nerves….MY NERVES ARE JITTERY YAAR!…

Interview with a celebrity of your choice : (Any two questions) (KALEB NATION!) (Though NOW im having misgivings as to whether the supervisor will take him as a celebrity or not :S)

*Listens to ANGEL by Natasha Bedingfiels. Becomes sad. Brings back memories. Embarassing memories but memories nevertheless*

Good Morning sir. We’ve been expecting you with unhidden excitement! / We are so excited to have you here! (Sidenote : I and my best friend are probably the ONY ONES who would be excited. Just so you know what that ‘we’ stands for.)

To school: We’re going to talk today to the amazingly talented, awesome personality, childrenbook author, twitterer, youtuber, blogger, twilightguy, ex-radio jockey and Nationeer shirt seller KALEB NATION! Haha!
That’s QUITE a lot of achievements for a 21 year old!

1) So sir, how does it feel being in a school in Dubai in the midst of Indian students, in an Indian school, being interviewed by a thirteen year old Indian fan? *smiles knowingly*

(Sidenote: Well, actually, I’m emphasizing on Indian because he is unusually attracted towards indian food. Awesomeness by a Texas Cowboy! :P)

*Starts to dance or wriggle in her bed to Whatcha Say by Jason Derulo*

*Gets lost in her own thoughts and starts thinking about how it would be in college.*

*Then thinks, “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU???”*

2)Sir, for my next question. This is a VERY random question, please don’t take any offence at this. (Im pretty sure I’ll freak out too much to ask this so I’ll ask the backup question but anyway…) “Imagine you have a fan who wants to send you a huge custom-made soft toy and wouldn’t let you refuse. What would you ask for?”

BACKUP QUESTION: I’m a huge fan of yours so I wanted to know why you like Indian Food so much. It is quite surprising.

YAY! Writing this down was the best idea I EVER HAD! Well, Ive hadlots of ideas but this wa the best one yet!

News: (Two Lines)
This is breaking news and I’m sure you all know of it, if you don’t , you will now.
“T***ban had threatened a Sikh family in Pakistan

Smiles maniacally at the familiar music of Party In The Usa

and had kidnapped two of their family members, both males. They had also warned not to alert the police. Being an average bussiness family they

*Thinks* Writing this down is making me feel sick and nauseous*Stops thinking which perceptibly isn’t a hard feat*

weren’t able to pay the ransom as quickly as they wanted to. Just yesterday one of the kidnapped relative’s head turned up in a Gurudwara, a place of worship for Sikhs.

That’s probably the worst thing I ever had to write. I’m not sure whether the facts are right but I’m sure I never want to hear another breaking news like that ever again. This had taken place long back. About 22nd of Feb on a Monday. I felt horrible while writing this. I sisnt write the gangs full name becaue I on’t really trust the internet as such.

My work here is DONE! I’m finding it hard to be cheerful but now all I need to do is practise, wake up in the morning and revise … for my science exam.

Falls down on the pillow.


No Vaccine Against Stupidity.

25 01 2010

Hola People!

23 Jan. 10 (I forgot to put the time. No doubt it is LONG before I post this)
I think the stupidest thing you can do is put something VERY IMPORTANT somewhere safe, and then FORGET where it is. Or, put a lock on it and FORGET where the key is. Because I had written a chapter and I wanted to read it now. Guess what? I can’t. Why? Because I put a password on it so that no one could open it an NOW IM NOT ABLE TO OPEN IT. Ugh.
Someone should have told me that there is no vaccine against stupidity. Except that there SHOULD be. definitely should be! Because otherwise there would be nothing to cure me or save me from myself. I think that’s a big disadvantage already.

If you wrote a highly embarrassing chapter sometime in your youth (try 5 months back) you might be happy that nobody can read it. You might also want to read it because you’re curious as to how embarrassing it is. Well you can’t do it because you’re stupidity prevents you to do so. That might be slightly annoying don’t you think? Especially after you have tried about 23 times (random number)??? No really, maybe it might be funny to some people but it is NOT to me. I’M A TEEN AND I WANT TO READ MY HIGHLY EMBARRASSING CHAPTER I WROTE A WHILE BACK!!! (#Child)


UGH! My stupidity is not what’s coursing through my veins right now. IT’S MURDEROUS ANGER!! (Why the hell am I using exorbitant amounts of exclamation marks when I am completely against ‘DWUNKKIEE!! ❤ ❤ ❤ …..@!@….!!!!!111one1!!!:D:d:d ???? )

Now, if you are laughing (which I think you should NOT be), you are clearly annoying me. Why?
Because it’s annoying. Even if I can’t see you. Let’s see who’s laughing when it happens to YOU. Yes, lets. *Evil Grin*

Always ramblingly yours,
The Nut Who Rambles
Adios ^_^


14 01 2010

Beware. Posts at 12:06 A.M. aren’t all that sober. Especially from a frustrated teen.

Some person put up a photo of Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson kissing. People actually believe it. WTF? What they don’t understand is that they should have a MIND OF THEIR OWN! I saw that picture exactly on the day it was put on the internet. I DIDN’T go around posting it on FaceBook and tagging people in it. They should go and see that the original picture was actually of Kristen Stewart in the MIDDLE with both of them kissing her on EACH CHEEK. GET IT? Jeez, people don’t seem to have any common sense these days. ‘OhMigaaaawd! Dts lyk sooooooooo gayyy!!!!’
First STOP IT with the exclamation marks. Second, go check it out on the internet before being influenced by such ridiculous pictures which show complete disrespect and disregard for the actors who have worked their butts off for these movies.

It’s funny when you know the real truth. Lying and influencing people like that is taking forceful advantage. It’s so unfair! I’m a twilight fan but that is NOT the reason I am ranting about this. This picture is insulting and is like stealing a person’s respect and this picture symbolises all EVIL.
Forget the last part.

I really don’t think it’s ethical so I’m not posting this picture. If you know what I’m talking about, well and good. If you don’t google it from the site which knows all, Google. My Random Ramble! has gone on for far too long. But I hope the idiots realize their mistake. Not trying to be offensive here. I have taken an oath not to. But this is frustrating to the limit.

These people are just exhibiting exorbitant amounts of ignorance, disrespect, disregard and complete and utter idiocy.

I can’t help but think it’s funny when people know that it’s folded. edited or photoshopped, but when people take an unfair advantage and make people BELIEVE it. That’s when they get kicked. Hard.

RandomRamblingly Yours,
A Nut who Rambles and is frustrated at 12:09 (NOW) in the morning.

I don’t think I have a suitable title for this.

1 01 2010

I can’t believe it’s over. I really can’t.

A whole decade is OVER.


I was just wondering about 20’th century fox.

First I didn’t realize that the 20’th century is over and so is a decade in the 21st century. I thought it is still the 20th century.

And when I was ridiculously thinking that,  I wondered what they would do of they went on till the 21st or 22nd century.

Now I know.

They’re still going on.

Now that my really ludicrous and unwanted ramble is over I will get on with the purpose this blog post was created for.
I’m here writing this blog post only because of one person and that person is Kaleb Nation.
Obviously, this person doesn’t know me (Though I REALLY wish he would. I have dreams about it. Ok, I thin I’ve said too much.) but he really inspires me. I don’t even know in what way.
It’s really confusing that way. It’s not his fame. Not something I can pinpoint. But there’s something that you really can’t resist. By the way, If by any chance, we become friends (that’s impossible but a girl can dream) and I show him this post I would love to say that he would make an amazing brother. I don’t know how I can say that but I’m really sure that he would.

Now back to what he inspired me to do.
He made such and inspiring and beautiful and amusing video for this whole decade that went by that I really wanted something that my 23-year-old could read and remember my 13-year-old self by.

He made a video to his 31-year-old self, and asked several questions. Something that would actually make his 31-year-old self remember how he was and if he really is the same.

I’m really happy he realized that there are people who are his fans who are 13 years old too and I’m grateful you know that KALEB!

So, i think i will be making a video of myself very soon. Oh wait, my dad and sister broke my camera. Oh well, I’ll use something!

So, 23-year-old self,

Did you finally figure out what to do? What you want to do? Have you made it?
I hope you haven’t let me down because if you have and if at that time you suddenly grow up and think that blog posting is not worth it and that Kaleb Nation isn’t awesome and that dance isn’t something you can do anymore, and that you will just stop imagining all those stories than 23-year-old RamblingNut you are not me. You don not deserve to be recalled by me.
Are you still seeing Kaleb’s videos?
Are you still best friends with your best friend? Or at least in touch with her?
Do you have your own apartment like you always dreamed of? Did you fulfill any of your most close wishes?

Always remember the things, the stuff, the masti because that is life. If you don’t remember your 7th grade shuffle, your 6th grade trouble, your 5th grade excitement, your 4th grade innocence, your 3rd grade fun or anything else below that I swear I will always be ashamed of myself.

If you have not found out a way to meet Kaleb Nation yet, you can go jump in a well, do you understand?

If you have forgotten all your friends and confusion and school, you can jump in a well and then run into a house which is aflame, do you get it?

If you haven’t started making your own money, you can jump in a well, run into an aflame house and THEN die.


What else do I want myself to do???

Ah, yes,

Please I hope you have done something valuable in your life, something that has actually helped a lot of people.

Please continue to adjust and sometimes you really do need to have a short fuse otherwise people won’t take you seriously.

Please don’t hold grudges against your brother, he is much too naive.

Ok, maybe you can do that.

I hope you have the sexy hairdo you always wanted and that your hair is finally likeable. This is very important. Very Important.

I hope you have participated in Dance India Dance already and met Remo and Terrence and Geeta! 😀 And won something.

I hope you still love reading books.

I hope you still hate wasting paper.

I hope you still talk on the phone with your best friend Disha.

I hope that you are the friendliest person in your college.

I hope that you have attended all the remaining years in the Bangalore Ashram and you never lose contact with any of them.

I hope you haven’t lost contact with your slightly annoying but sweet, caring brother.

I hope that you are studying hard and are getting top positions in your college like you always wished for.

I know this is all not stuff that you would probably ask for, but I definitely would. Sure, I could ask for money, fame, but where’s the fun in that? I’m not saying I wouldn’t love to have it, but it’s something I can do something about later in life. For now, This is Important.

And please, don’t forget to come back here once in a while and continue to blog.

Oh and Nut,

I hope you’re not as lazy as I was 10 years back, and are not lying down on the sofa couch right now. And stop being so lazy at 12:00 pm and go take a bath.

Haha, GOT YA!

I know very well I’m going to be doing JUST that. 😛


I want to look back at 2020 and feel proud that I have done everything I wanted to and that I have not let myself down.

Kaleb is the biggest inspiration ever.
Thank you Kaleb for such an inspiring video. We all love you.<3


16 12 2009

NO WAY IS THIS HAPPENING. I like to be a sophisticated writer but when things turn out this way it isn’t exactly Good you know. It’s frustrating, annoying and downright enraging to think of all the crap. I thought I would never use words like that in my blog but sorry I dont give a damn anymore.

First things first. I sit down at 12:30 after completing a very tedious project of printing (tedious it is) and ranted about how my life is going on rather annoyingly, you know what I mean? For me, this is probably regular but whenever these incidents happen you feel completely letdown and irritated. Ok back to my lame story.

I finish it somehow (story later) and I start writing this blog since I haven’t been here for a long time and that isnt exactly good. QuickPress actually. I finish it and am pretty happy because I have finally completed one post and published it. It did after a while. I refreshed it and the post was gone. It DIDN’T EVEN APPEAR ON THE DAMN WEBSITE!

This doesn’t seem very important at all but isn’t there a limit, a limit after which we just snap. Enough is Enough. I cry, I fall ill, I still laugh. All in one day. But that just isn’t enough is it? Baring shame for someone else’s actions isn’t what life is made for is it? No need to be philosophical, it happens, Life is a rollercoaster, Always happens man!. I say Blah, blah, blah.

Writing about this will just bore all of you and I DONT want that happening do I?

So lets talk about the bad yet amusing things that happen.

You know what? I’ m tired so i’m gonna go sleep now and save this draft since it’s 1:00 in the morning and I am severely sleep-derived already resulting in me sleeping in the bathroom in the morning so Good Night! I’ll continue this post tomorrow.

NOW: 1:04 AM = TUESDAY. Good Night. (Thinks about yawning) *yawns*

NOW: 3:13 PM = WEDNESDAY. Hola! Good Afternoon!

I came back from school and now obviously i have cooled off though a LOT o stuff happened after that also.

So back to the BAD stuff………

Ha! I got over it!! Writing really helps.

So thanks guys for reading my little rant. Thanks so much! 😀

Always Ranting-andRambling-ly yours,
A Nut Who Rambles

Some Questions I’d like to ask CELEBRITITES!

4 12 2009

Hola People!

So while eating Lays chilli chips with garlic sauce (EPIC mixture! try it!) I was literally begging myself for some rambles. My eyes fell on my chips and I suddenly remembered Kaleb Nation The Awesomest asking Robert Pattinson The I-Couldn’t-Care-Less-About-Hygiene king what his favorite type of cookie was (if you didn’t know it was white chocolate chip.)

So I thought, “Hey that’s pretty creative and original! What would I like to ask a random celebrity?”

Ok, honestly it was more of. “Hahahaha! Cool Question. I also remember that Brit female from CNN or BBC who asked him what sound would cheese make if it were audible not edible! HAHAHAHA!”

So, back to the story, I looked at my sister’s soft toys and I came up with a question!

Ahem. Imagine that you have won a lottery which you haven’t paid for the prize is a custom-maid soft toy! 😀 You can’t really refuse otherwise a huge custom-made soft toy will be wasted! So, what soft toy would you ask for? Teddy-bears NOT allowed!”

See how this question is custom-made so that the celeb can’t say something like “I wouldn’t buy a soft toy at this age!” They’re forced to answer!

While writing this I looked at my thumbring. Here comes another question. This one is for male celebs only.

The original question was, “Do you prefer piercings or shoes?” These objects are used as metaphors to describe the type of girls you would like.” . Obviously, they would answer the hackneyed answer. Shoes. How unoriginal.
Gradually the shoes changed to girly shoes and tattoos was added with piercings. And a few more edits along the way.
Here’s the present, modified, all-new question.

“What do you prefer? Stilettos? Spectacles? Or Tattoos and Piercings? Each of them representing a type of girl. Stilettos representing blondes. Spectacles representing brunettes. And Tattoos and Piercings represent goth chicks. The hair is just optional! Scarlets, Highlights, streaks or dyed hair works too! :D”

If the celebs chose the stilettos, well, we all know what they’re like don’t we? (Joke people!)
If they chose the goth chick, they are very unique and original in their choices and are not afraid of being themselves. They also give goth chicks some hope that they could be a hot celebs liking! And they possibly like black. And holes in your body with jewellery in them. (I know what that sound like!!! :D)
If they chose the bespectacled brunette, then they are very compassionate, romantic and drawn towards intelligence. And they possibly think that awkwardness is cute!

So this question estimates their approximate likings and their possible real personality.

My hands were beginning to feel numb as the A.C. was on high, and I started squeezing my hand with my other much-warmer hand. Lot of good that did. Anyways I started concentrating on how my fingers were bunching up together and how it represented your partner squeezing your hand when you need support so I came up with this.

“Whose hand would you like to hold right now? Mom and Dad NOT included!”

Even a bit of hesitation can cause quite a stir can’t it? But, I didnt create this question with that in mind. I was just curious.
But this might be quite a boring question for celebs with obvious and open relationships.

I yawned then looking around my inspirational and recently tidied(by my mom) room looking for some more inspiration.


“How wide can you yawn?”

I can assure you I do not want to look down the celebs neck. It is just a random question that popped into my mind. (But you have to admit, getting a glimpse of Taylor Lautner’s ultra-white teeth when he laughs at this would be EPIC!)


Another question came along with aa….aaa….*achooooo* *rumble rumble* *walls cave in* …..a sneeze…*wipes nose*

“Do you sneeze a lot when you wake up in the morning and get out of bed and feel the cold air?”

I think this is a question that proves to all of us that celebs (including Robert PATTINSON) are human beings and that they face the daily hardships that us common people face too!


The following question would do that too.

“Have you ever accidentally burped in public? After you reached stardom of course.”

This would prove that they have the ability to be embarrassed and blush in front of a large audience and trip over their words too.

For Males:

” Angelina Jolie or Megan Fox?”

For Females:

What would you like to be a Hot Vampire or a Compassionate Werewolf?

Reflecting back on the earlier morning’s discussion on Salman Khan’s amazing dress for Katrina Kaif which he painted himself made me think of another cool question.

What is your secret talent, other than acting, that we, the people, dont know about?”

Finally we get to know a little more about our favourite stars! And see if we have the same interests!

I guess im supposed to have a EPIC question. So here it is.

“If you were forced to stay away from fat food, junk, meat, sea-food, chicken, chocolate, caffeine and the whole lot, and live for a month only on tofu dogs what would be your reaction?”


The reactions i’m expecting?

“I think I’m gonna be sick!”
Moaning and Whining.
“Gimme my junk back!”
“No chicken?”
“Can someone please save me!”
“Tofu dogs? What…..what is that?”

Haha! Enjoy!
Send me some of the creative questions you would like to ask!

Always Rambling-ly and Questioningl-ly yours,
A nut Who Rambles. And in this case Questions.Or Interviews.

The remedies provided for stress make NO SENSE!

3 12 2009

Hola people!
I thought this was important and I also posted this because I’m hardly getting any views after the first day.

Why, you might ask am I confronting such a unregardable topic which has stumbled across various blogs and has been discussed very seriously lets see, a billion times? Especially in the early footsteps of my journey on the road of creativity(which is this blog) which will take me to highly unknown and dangerous places.

Well, because i want to. That’s why.

Who knows, maybe this post may approach this topic in a slightly different way.  It all depends on my mood. 😛

So, many psychos, sorry, psychologists(sorry for the poor joke), guidance counsellors, parents who are worried about their overburdened teens, nutrition doctors etc. have figured out many different ways of reducing, preventing, decreasing, coping with stress. frankly they really don’t make much sense to me. Actually they do. But do you think it’s easy?

1.I mean, ‘Meditation’ is one ‘simple exercise’ which can be done for about 15 minutes to reduce stress. Try it. You’ll fall asleep in 3. I’ve done it for a month so i know. If you’re too alert than its not good because you have to be deep inside your consciousness and if you’re deep inside its not good because you’re actually asleep. So strike this out. Im not saying that it’s not possible, I’m saying  that teens dont have enough time or maturity to do so. Maybe 16-19 yr olds can. Even some rare gems in the lower ages can. Like me.:P But what about the rest?  

2. Time management. How the hell does this do anything to help? Fine we manage time. We know what to do, exactly when to do, and we have alotted time to complete a specific activity. We are pristinely organised. There’s where the ‘tension’ begins. What if in your alloted time for T.V. your sibling takes control of the remote and you can’t get it? What if during your homework time you favourite aunt surprisingly decides to visit? Also, to finish your work you get even more stress because you have a whole lot of other activities or projects lined up and you just HAVE to finish them therefore not being able to do the activity at hand properly. Some people are so confident in their time management that they squeeze in a lot of stuff. A lot of stuff that is blown off in the end. Strike two.

3. Breathing. Hey we breathe when we suddenly have a stress attack right? We’re breathing the whole day! Stress shouldn’t even be possible then! And breathing in a particular way doesnt count because if you take deep breaths you increase carbon dioxide which stresses all the environmentalist out there. Not so good eh? And you’re out!

4. ‘Be Realistic. Nobody is perfect.’ Well, this much used, ragged with use phrase isnt perfect either. We’re having stress because we know we’re not perfect or even close to some extraordinary people. How does that help? It helps in heightening our stress!  Stricken!

5.  Good Night’s sleep. Excuse me, but if we have a test which is counted in the finals tomorrow or homework (whose subject teacher might not be the most lenient) to do or  a unfinished Project/Assignment which is to be submitted the day after or  a History exam I don’t think anyone would think a good night’s sleep neccessary in the least. What they would think neccessary would be memorizing those dates. Again.

6. Solve little problems. Ok this one i’ve never heard of until now either! It’s not your first time! But I’ve got a reply ready. If we solve little problems and are pretty confident in those we’ll still start worrying and doubting our abilities to solve ‘bigger’ issues. Much MUCH bigger issues. Oh looky who’s here…..’stress’ strikes again.

7. Exercise. And what, may i ask, would happen if the person had so much stress and exercised so much that they looked and became anorexic? Not possible? Very much possible! Put yourselves in the shoes of a teen who is ridiculed at school everyday because of  their ‘chubbiness’ and is stressed and overburdened with the everyday hardships of studies, chores, frustration with siblings etc. and is given an outlet for removal of all this. Wouldn’t you make full use or even excess use of that opportunity?

So here’s the list.

1. Meditation
2. Time management
3. Breathing
4. Being ‘realistic’
5. Good Night’s sleep
6. Solving little problems
7. Exercise

All of them, unfortunately, are stricken.

Note to reader: This was all just a bit of fun and humor and frankly the breathing thing doesn’t even make sense! I hope it makes you laugh! This was my way if showing all of you people out there some ways to cope with stress. In a way maybe you didn’t notice. By the way, did you know laughing is a stress-buster? This is the only reason I hope you laughed at what I rambled about. Well, and that it’s my blog I obviously would like you to laugh! 😀

Always Rambling-ly yours,
A Nut Who Rambles.

I can’t understand the inclination that us girls have to shoes. Any type of shoes.

3 12 2009

Hola People!

Ok, so be it converse or stilettos all of us girls love shoes. Any kind. Even a tomboy can’t deny it. Because that tomboy might like those new Military Converses right?

Military Converse Chuck

Sexy Stilettos

So what I don’t understand is

Why does that happen?

Are we programmed to do that? I mean guys like their types but they don’t go gaga over it like we do. If we had the choice we would buy a dozen pairs of shoes. Wont we?

Do we have some chemicals in our body that take over our muscles and walk us straight into Shoe Mart?  Because whenever my mom goes to centrepoint, it might be the first place she would go to, if she was not burdened by my little sister.

Do we have a separate part of our brain that gives out signals like  the feverish “I gotta buy shoes. I gotta buy shoes.” or  the very simple “Shoes. Shoes. Shoes.” or the ever-present and much used, “Hey! Those shoes look nice!”, or “Where is the shoes section?”

All of us girls love shoes. And actually not only shoes but clothes and accessories too.

Please don’t tell me you’re not like that.


Then that means that tomboys or girls who don’t like shopping don’t like to wear fresh new clothes?

And Punks don’t like any piercings?

And that that converse really isnt worth it. (I’ve NEVER heard that before. Ever.)

Even Sam, from iCarly likes to go to a shop which is the ‘quote “Most girliest girl store ever!” unquote’  Quote by Freddie. (Random: The shops name was GlitterGloss) And all of us who know Sam, know that she’s….well…..not exactly describable. But you can google her. That’ll do you much good.

So you see, all of us like shoes, shoes, and more shoes. (Check out Sam’s converse, they’re awesome!) (No I do NOT pay attention to her feet I just happened to look at their school floor ok? :P)

And obviously the reason still remains a dark mystery.

I don’t think we’ll ever be able to find out. But when we do, i’m sure it’ll make no difference. I mean, who cares why? I just like them shoes! 😀

So…..“Hey! Are those shoes on sale?”

Gotta go, GRAND shoes! 😀

Always Rambling-ly,
A Nut Who Rambles.

OOOOOH! Those shoes are nice!